Network Stability Report: Kusama With Parachains
We’ve monitored the Kusama network for stability after the first 5 parachain auctions. We’ve sampled metrics from opt-in validators to gather the information in Prometheus and Grafana for this report.

Statemine Upgrade Launches New Phase of Parachain Functionality
The Kusama community has just voted to upgrade the Statemine parachain to allow anyone to create assets and NFTs on a permissonless basis.

Research Update: The Case for Candle Auctions
A look at why candle auctions are the most suitable form for blockchain auctions, as seen in recent research done at the Web3 Foundation.

Polkadot and Kusama Staking Changes
With the increase in the number of accounts nominating on Polkadot and Kusama, we have seen some limitations of the current staking parameters. In order to prevent issues from occurring when these limits are reached, some restrictions are being added to the staking system on both networks.

The First Parachains Launch on Kusama
The first Kusama parachain slot auction has ended and the first parachains have successfully connected to the Kusama Relay Chain, delivering the last piece of core functionality outlined in the Polkadot whitepaper: purpose-built, interoperable parachains.

Kusama Parachain Auctions
The first real-world functional parachain Statemine, began processing permissionless transactions after an on-chain upgrade last week. After some smooth running over the weekend, the time is coming to move to the next stage: slot auctions.

System Parachains: An Introduction to Governance-Allocated Parachain Slots
The Polkadot network has a number of teams developing parachains, each optimized for its own domain. These parachains specialize in smart contracts, identity, DeFi, robotics, bridges, and more.

Polkadot 2020 Roundup
Polkadot emerged strong in 2020, with major launches, treasury expansion, and staking dominance. Here's a roundup of achievements and plans for 2021.

6 Ways You Can Get Involved in the Polkadot and Kusama Community
Discover the ways you can get involved in the Polkadot and Kusama community and meet some of the people already contributing in those areas today.

Kusama y Polkadot ahora premian a los curadores que ayudan a escalar las funciones de los consejos: ¡Únete a la fuerza que mueve a la comunidad hacia adelante!
Kusama y Polkadot ahora premian a los curadores que ayudan a escalar las funciones de los consejos: ¡Únete a la fuerza que mueve a la comunidad hacia adelante!

Hello World! de Polkadot: Forma parte del desafío
Polkadot y Kusama ahora en Gitcoin. Participa en Hello World! para ganar recompensas, mejorar tus habilidades y sumergirte en el ecosistema Polkadot.

Kusama And Polkadot Now Reward Curators Helping To Scale Councils Functions: Join The Force Moving the Community Forward!
The new Bounty Extension on Polkadot and Kusama allows curators to autonomously allocate Treasury funds to projects that bring value to the ecosystem.