Become a Polkadot Ambassador

Join the Polkadot Ambassador Program to help accelerate adoption and foster growth in our vibrant ecosystem. Whatever your skill set, your enthusiasm and ideas are welcome! More information is coming soon, so stay tuned for updates.

Champion the movement for a freer, more open web

Anyone with a passion for the Polkadot ecosystem can become an ambassador. It’s not just for developers; anyone with enthusiasm and a willingness to help the community grow is welcome to apply.

Share knowledge and expertise

Help the community by sharing what you know

Learn new skills

Gain new skills and knowledge as you go

Connect with like-minded individuals

Meet others who share your passion

Be the voice of the community

Represent and advocate for the community's interests

Receive funding for hosting events

Get financial support to organize and host Polkadot-related events

Attend Polkadot events

Gain access to exclusive Polkadot events

Ways to get involved

The Polkadot Ambassador Program is a dynamic, evolving community that adapts to the ever-changing needs of the ecosystem. This program thrives on diverse contributions from areas like translation, events, and education.

Speak at events

Represent Polkadot at conferences, workshops, and meetups

Write blog posts

Share insights and news about Polkadot

Represent in your region

Act as a Polkadot ambassador in your local area

Mentor and onboard

Help newcomers get started with Polkadot

Identify partnerships

Find and foster new opportunities for the Polkadot ecosystem

Participate in community calls and tasks

Engage in discussions and activities that drive the ecosystem forward

Become an ambassador

The details of the Polkadot Ambassador Program are being finalized. If you're interested in participating, stay tuned for application details. We're excited to meet you and welcome your enthusiasm for Polkadot!

Coming soon!