Discover the world’s largest DAO

Join millions of visionaries building a better future with DOT.

Decentralization as it was meant to be

Web3 is all about cutting out gatekeepers and putting people in control of the tech that shapes our world. Decentralization isn’t just about spreading nodes around—it’s about making sure there’s no single point of failure. With blockchain outages, hard forks, and crypto exchange bankruptcies making headlines, centralized decision-making is clearly a risk. That’s why, on Polkadot, the community of DOT token holders makes all the decisions. And there’s always room for one more.

Community driven

Every DOT token holder gets a say. Your vote directly influences the network’s future.


Equality is key. Automated processes ensure fairness, with DOT holders managing all network operations without centralized control.

Transparent and open

Get involved in public referenda where all votes are openly recorded on-chain.


Multiple referenda run simultaneously, making sure decisions and funding happen quickly without compromising security.

Seamless upgrades

Experience continuous network improvements with fork-free approved updates.

Unstoppable democracy, driven by Polkadot's OpenGov

1.3 million

DAO members represented by total onchain wallets


OpenGov proposals

19.1 million

DOT available in Treasury pool

Benefits of joining the Polkadot DAO

Shape the future

Play a direct role in influencing the future of the Polkadot network.

Earn rewards

Gain recognition or rewards for your active participation and contributions to the ecosystem.

Build community

Join a passionate community of free-thinkers dedicated to creating the future of the internet.

Backed by a 19+ million DOT Treasury

Polkadot’s governance system features a robust onchain treasury that the community can use to fund projects that benefit the network. Any DOT holder can submit funding and bounty proposals, and can nominate community members for rewards.

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