Hello World! by Polkadot: Take the Challenge
DOT and KSM are now integrated on Gitcoin. To celebrate, we created Hello World! by Polkadot to bring you on a journey of Polkadot development discovery.

Swisscom Blockchain to develop Kubernetes Operator for Kusama and Polkadot
Swisscom Blockchain AG has received a Wave 5 grant from Web3 Foundation to develop a Kubernetes Operator for sentry nodes and validators for both Kusama and Polkadot.

GRANDPA Equivocation and sysinfo Process Collection Results In Slashing on Kusama Network: a Post-Mortem.
Multiple bugs in code resulted in nodes dropping out from Kusama network and losing the database that stores which blocks they validated. Consequently, the same nodes double-signed those blocks on restart. The slashes caused by this issue have been reverted via Kusama Council motions.

Introducing Rococo: Polkadot’s Parachain Testnet
We reached a significant step towards implementing parachain functionality on Polkadot – we launched a new testnet specifically designed for parachains and their related technologies, dubbed Rococo. The Rococo testnet integrates Polkadot with Cumulus and HRMP.

Join Hackusama - Hack on Polkadot's Wild Cousin
The very first hackathon within the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystem is now live and running until August 14, 2020. Join now!

Kusama Treasury Funds Seven Teams in Seven Weeks
The Kusama Treasury plays a fundamental role when incentivizing organic development and growth of our community. At the time of writing this post, more than 190,000 KSM (Kusama tokens) sit on the Treasury. Now they are being put to good use.

Polkadot, Kusama and Gitcoin: Building the Future
Polkadot and Kusama are onboarding to the Gitcoin platform, strengthening the foundations of the Web 3.0 ecosystem and expanding the opportunities for developers to earn from open source projects.

Westend: Introducing a New Testnet for Polkadot and Kusama
Westend provides a testing environment for our infrastructure partners to test their Polkadot and Kusama deployment and processes.

Results of DOT Redenomination Referendum
A referendum was just held on Kusama regarding whether or not to redenominate DOTs on Polkadot in a 1:100 ratio. Web3 Foundation used this referendum to gauge sentiment from the community before the launch of Polkadot.

Kusama & Polkadot: Comparing the Cousins
As the launch of Polkadot draws near, many are asking how the network will compare to Kusama and how both will be used in different ways going forward.

Join Kusama’s Thousand Validators Programme
Anyone technical and determined is encouraged to apply here. By applying and following the setup instructions, you will be eligible to receive nominations from Web3 Foundation and Parity Technologies

Alert - Kusama Network Phishing Email and Fake Medium Post
We have learned that a phishing email with the subject line: “1% DOT allocation for KSMs stakeholders” is being circulated from a fraudulent version of the Polkadot.JS domain. Do not respond to this email; it was not sent from the Web3 Foundation nor from our Kusama or Polkadot accounts.