Blockchain, unbounded

Parachains are advanced, next-generation layer-1 blockchains that transcend the limitations of legacy networks. Specialized and interconnected, parachains make up a diverse ecosystem of independent platforms, communities, and economies improving the way we connect online.

Parachains = Possibilities

While other blockchain protocols only allow developers to build dapps using smart contracts, Polkadot gives builders full control over the underlying blockchain itself. This flexibility gives parachain developers maximum freedom to optimize for any use case, which means better and more secure dapps for all.

A parachain for every purpose

Parachains can be built for any blockchain use case, including DeFi, identity, supply chain, gaming, NFTs, IoT, DAOs, and beyond. Customizable in both form and function, parachains' adaptability enables teams to optimize for performance, security, and user experience according to their specific needs. Explore the array of parachain possibilities.

Independent token economies

Parachains with their own tokens, fee structures, and economic ecosystems.

System parachains

Designed for the benefit of the entire Polkadot ecosystem, system parachains typically use Polkadot’s native token, DOT.

Bridge parachains

Bridges allow Polkadot parachains to connect to external networks like Kusama, Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Parachain hubs

Parachains that provide a range of functionality to serve a broader community or use case, for example DeFi hubs and governance hubs.

Smart contract parachains

Platforms for building and hosting smart contract based dapps and services, with support for Wasm-VM and/or EVM via Moonbeam/Astar.


Apps that need custom environments can use parachains like Tanssi to have the best of both worlds.

Parachains as autonomous agents

Parachains can act autonomously based on the will of their communities to participate in Polkadot governance and allocate onchain treasuries. This opens the door to new decentralized funding models, from project funding to decentralized sovereign wealth funds, even cross-chain mergers and acquisitions.

Parachains as digital nation states

With their own communities, rules, economies, governance, treasuries, and relationships with external chains, parachains are akin to decentralized digital nations. Polkadot enables them to come together, communicate, and share security guarantees for the betterment of the entire ecosystem. A free alliance of sovereign chains.

Auctions and crowdloans

Parachains connect to Polkadot by leasing an open slot on the Relay Chain via auction, which involves locking up a bond of DOT for the duration of the lease. DOT holders can help their favorite parachains win an auction, potentially earning a reward in return, by contributing to a crowdloan and temporarily locking their own DOT for the parachain’s bond.

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System parachains & common good parachains

Start building with a comprehensive set of trustless, out-of-the-box functionality to launch Web3 blockchains and dapps fast and securely.

  • Focus on innovation and accelerate time to market by building products in an agile and modular way.
  • Build confidently with first-class functionality for both current and future use cases.
  • Route liquidity throughout the Polkadot ecosystem via a single location.

What common good parachains do

Explore how Polkadot system parachains serve the entire ecosystem.

Asset conversion

Facilitate the conversion of DOT/USDT-USDC with less friction via the Asset Hub.

Multi-asset treasury

Make treasury proposals in any assets like DOT, stablecoins, ETH, or BTC, without leaving a DOT governed zone.

Fees in non-DOT assets

Enable users to transfer assets in and out of Asset Hub without the need to hold DOT for gas fees.

Trust-minimized bridges to other networks

Communicate with other consensus systems like Ethereum – securely and trustlessly.

Parachain token support

Custodians, wallets, and exchanges can interact with parachains without needing to run additional nodes or infrastructure.

Cross-chain liquidity bridge

Leverage blockchain agnostic liquidity and interoperability to interact with the CeFi and DeFi worlds.

Boost the launch of your Web3 project

Polkadot uses its own scaling technology to host system-level components. Make use of this functionality to supercharge your Web3 blockchains and dapps.

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