
The latest posts about all things Polkadot, major news, ecosystem announcements, engineering updates, and more.


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Sub0, the Polkadot Developer Conference, comes to Lisbon in November

The two-day live sub0 conference will run on November 28th-29th. Featuring keynote presentations, breakout sessions, workshops & side events. Sign up for ticket updates.

Chainlink Makes Oracle Pallet Available to all Substrate, Polkadot and Kusama Chains

Since the last update, there has been significant development work completed on the Polkadot - Chainlink integration, culminating in Chainlink making their extensive collection of on-chain Price Feeds available as a Substrate oracle pallet.

Trusted Execution Environments and the Polkadot Ecosystem

The use of Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) in combination with the Substrate blockchain modular framework is providing new solutions to enable real-use applications on the next generation of the web.

Preparing for Polkadot’s Launch with Substrate

Polkadot’s launch is fast approaching. Even though the mainnet isn’t live yet, you can start developing a blockchain with Substrate today and connect it to Polkadot at launch. Substrate is the best on-ramp to deploying a blockchain, or dAppchain, on Polkadot. This blog will explain a bit about Substrate and how developers can get started today.