The Path of a Parachain Block
Polkadot guarantees valid state transitions for its member parachains. Beneath the surface, an orchestra of nodes, from validators and collators to fishermen and full nodes, play their parts to deliver parachain blocks to the final Relay Chain.

Polkascan Development Update #5
This development update is part of our work that provides the Polkadot-ecosystem with an enriched Substrate Interface (API) for any Substrate-based blockchain with full decoding context of the chain’s respective runtime.

Polkadot Consensus Part 3: BABE
Blind Assignment for Blockchain Extension (BABE) is a block production engine that was inspired by Ouroboros Praos, another proof-of-stake protocol. It can be used on its own because it provides probabilistic finality, or it can be coupled with a finality gadget like GRANDPA.

Polkadot Consensus Part 2: GRANDPA
In the introduction to this series, I outlined that a consensus algorithm helps a network of computers answer three questions. GRANDPA addresses the second.

Kusama Upgrade Bulletin (1030)
Kusama is about to get a new logic core; here’s the details.

Have a TEE with Polkadot
Hello from the SubstraTEE team at Supercomputing Systems AG! In this post we’d like to introduce key concepts of trusted off-chain computing. We’ll show what you can do with our tool, SubstraTEE, today and what our vision is for future applications.

Polkadot v0.7.0 and Kusama CC-3
After a little chaos, Kusama is ready for the next chapter: CC-3 and at long last the governance handover.

Parathreads: Pay-as-you-go Parachains
By: Joe Petrowski Polkadot is now even more accessible to projects that may not have the capital to secure a dedicated parachain slot and gives the opportunity to become a parachain if their application requires high throughput.

Kusama Rollout and Governance
Kusama is Polkadot’s canary network. It is an early, unaudited, and wholly experimental network, designed to help understand how the various cutting-edge technologies introduced in areas including governance, staking and sharding work under real economic conditions

KILT Protocol’s public test net implemented using Substrate
KILT intends to secure a parachain slot after Polkadot main net launch and aims to provide the Polkadot ecosystem with an interoperable trust infrastructure to create numerous opportunities for both projects.

The Polkadot Claims Audit
Web3 Foundation engaged Chain Security for an audit of the Polkadot Claims smart contract. The audit found 0 Critical, 0 High, 2 Medium and 9 Low level issues, all of which have been resolved in the latest commits to the code.

Akropolis Launches Proof-of-Concept Chain Using Substrate
The Akropolis team launched a Substrate-based chain earlier this year for their DeFi protocol. Akropolis intends to participate in a parachain slot auction after the Polkadot main net launch.