Rococo V1 - A Holiday Gift to the Polkadot Community
The Rococo-V1 Parachains Testnet is live. Rococo is a public testnet, maintained by Parity Technologies and the community, aimed towards testing both the parachains consensus process itself and parachains built by the community.

Supporting Decentralization: Join the Polkadot Thousand Validators Programme
Web3 Foundation has created a Thousand Validators Programme for Polkadot. Apply and follow the validator setup instructions, and you could be eligible to receive nominations from Web3 Foundation to help kickstart your Polkadot node.

Obtaining a Parachain Slot on Polkadot
Parachains are specialized shards of Polkadot that give projects and their communities agency over their respective goals.

Una descripción general actualizada de Polkadot
Polkadot permite la escalabilidad y colaboración entre blockchains especializadas, transformando la arquitectura y gobernanza del ecosistema blockchain global.

Trusted Execution Environments and the Polkadot Ecosystem
The use of Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) in combination with the Substrate blockchain modular framework is providing new solutions to enable real-use applications on the next generation of the web.

What is Polkadot? Part 2: The Vision.
Polkadot is designed to take back our digital sovereignty and agency from powerful third-parties, while also providing the foundation for new business models, services, organizations—and even entire societies and economies—to take shape and thrive into the future.

Polkadot Research Update
Several articles have recently been added to the Web3 Foundation research portal covering individual subprotocols of the Polkadot decentralized blockchain platform: nominated proof of stake (NPoS), time consensus and GRANDPA (the finality gadget implemented for the relay chain).

An Updated Overview of Polkadot
The new paper Overview of Polkadot and its Design Considerations expands on the white paper, presenting a comprehensive and updated description of Polkadot’s design components and subprotocols. Some of these are outlined here.

W3F Initiates Launch: Polkadot is Live
Polkadot’s highly-anticipated release follows three years of intense development work. Mainnet launch builds on the success of Kusama canary network release in 2019.

What is Polkadot? A Brief Introduction
Polkadot is a next-generation blockchain protocol connecting multiple specialized blockchains into one unified network.

Explaining the Polkadot Launch Process
The Polkadot network will have a phased roll-out plan, with important milestones toward decentralization marking each phase in the process.

Polkadot Launch Announcement: COVID-19 Considerations
Polkadot development continues to progress rapidly, and we're pleased with the proven track record the technology has developed with the launch of Kusama last summer. The Polkadot codebase has undergone a series of audits since late 2019, and we expect to release the results of these security assessments as we progress through Polkadot's launch.